Welfare BenefitTabs™

  • Continuation CoverageMore Information

    Once your bank dollars run out, the Plan may provide for you to continue your and your family’s health coverage when you lose coverage as an active “Eligible Employee”. If you incur total disability as defined by the Plan, you (but not your dependents) can receive limited extended coverage under the total disability provision. For you and your family there are a variety of COBRA provisions under which you may self-pay to continue coverage. Retirees may continue coverage also; please see the “Retiree Rules” tab.
  • Total DisabilityMore Information

    This provision gives you an extension of limited health benefits for treatment of the specific illness or injury that caused the disability while you remain totally disabled. The coverage is available only for you, as the Eligible Employee, and ends after 29 months or as soon as you become covered under any other health plan (including Medicare or this Plan’s COBRA coverage.)
  • COBRA Continuation Coverage

  • COBRA in GeneralMore Information

    A law known as COBRA allows a participant and/or family to self-pay for continued coverage under a set of defined “Qualifying Events”. Participants must apply and make monthly self-payments in strict compliance with the rules in order to be covered under the COBRA provision. Medical, prescription, dental, and vision benefits only can be continued under COBRA.
  • Election and Payment RulesMore Information

    You or your dependents must notify the Plan if coverage is terminated because of a death, divorce, or a child’s losing dependent status within 60 days of the event. Once a qualifying event has occurred and the Plan is notified, you will be sent a COBRA information package. You have 60 days from the date this package is sent to notify the Plan that you want to elect COBRA coverage. You must remit your first monthly payment (and payment for each month since the qualifying event) within 45 days of electing COBRA. After initial election and payment, your payment is due on the 1st day of the month of coverage. There is a 30 day grace period. Failure to meet the deadlines for notification, election, or payment will result in forfeiture of all rights to continued coverage under COBRA.
  • Qualifying Events and Maximum Continuation PeriodMore Information

    Qualifying Event Who Can be Covered Maximum Continuation Period
    1) Loss of benefits caused by reduction in work Employee and dependents 18 months after loss of benefits*
    2) Loss of benefits caused by termination of employment except for gross misconduct Employee and dependents 18 months after loss of benefits*
    3) Loss of benefits caused by death of participant Dependents 36 months after Qualifying Event
    4) Loss of benefits caused by divorce Dependents 36 months after Qualifying Event
    5) Loss of benefits caused by child losing dependent status Dependent child 36 months after Qualifying Event
    6) Entitlement to Medicare within 18 months before Qualifying Event #1 or #2 above Dependents Later of: (1) 36 mo. from Medicare entitlement, or (2) 18 months from date of loss of coverage due to original Qualifying Event
    * COBRA can be extended to 29 months if the covered person is disabled prior to or in the first 60 days of COBRA coverage.
  • COBRA Rates

    Effective July 1, 2023 Effective July 1, 2024
    Single Individual (Employee; Spouse; or Child) $1,187.00 per month $1,253.00 per month
    Employee & Child(ren) $1,882.00 per month $2,009.00 per month
    Employee & Spouse $2,281.00 per month $2,402.00 per month
    Employee, Spouse & Child(ren) $3,193.00 per month $3,342.00 per month
    Disclaimer The Board of Trustees reserve the right to modify the Plan, including the COBRA premiums, at any time.
  • Disclaimer

    The Board of Trustees reserve the right to modify the Plan, including the COBRA premiums, at any time.
  • If you are receiving a monthly benefit through the Alaska Teamster-Employer Pension Plan, you may arrange to have the monthly self-payment for the Retiree Health Plan or the COBRA self-payment deducted directly from your retirement check. Self-payment rates are adjusted annually.

    Please contact the Trust Customer Service Office at 907-751-9700 or 800-478-4450 (toll free) if you have any questions.