


To administer COB, the Plan reserves the right to: exchange information with other plans involved in paying claims; require that you, your physician, or your Health Care Provider furnish any necessary information; reimburse any plan that made payments this Plan should have made; or recover any overpayment. If this Plan… Details

Pension Summary Plan Description


The terms defined below have special meanings when they describe your Pension Plan benefits. Please read these definitions and refer to this Section often when you read other parts of this SPD. Actuarially Adjusted or Actuarially Reduced – See Section 7, How Benefits Are Paid. Administrative Committee of the Board of Trustees –… Details

APPENDIX H: Special Provisions for Benefits Accrued Before and After July 1, 2006

H.5 Benefit Service Before July 1, 1990: the Overlay

If you have at least 1,000 Contributory Hours after June 30, 1997, you are eligible to have your monthly benefit at Normal Retirement Age for service before July 1, 1990 computed at 2.5% of Contributions during that period. In order to receive the 2.5% Overlay accrual rate and qualify for… Details

APPENDIX H: Special Provisions for Benefits Accrued Before and After July 1, 2006

H.4 Benefit Service After June 30, 1990 and Before July 1, 1997

You also earn a Straight Life Annuity monthly payment at Normal Retirement Age for Contributions on your Covered Employment after June 30, 1990 and before July 1, 1997. If you have at least 1,000 Contributory Hours after June 30, 1997, your accrual rate is equal to at least 2.0% of… Details

APPENDIX H: Special Provisions for Benefits Accrued Before and After July 1, 2006

H.3 Benefit Service After June 30, 1997 and Before July 1, 2003

You earn a Straight Life Annuity monthly payment at Normal Retirement Age for Contributions made on your Covered Employment after June 30, 1997. The accrual rate for that period is equal to 2.5% of those Contributions. However, for Contributions during the period from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2002… Details

APPENDIX H: Special Provisions for Benefits Accrued Before and After July 1, 2006

H.2 Benefit Service After June 30, 2003 and Before July 1, 2006

You earn a Straight Life Annuity payment at Normal Retirement Age for Contributions made on your Covered Employment after June 30, 2003 and before July 1, 2006. The accrual rate for this period is 1.25% of Contributions. EXAMPLE: During Plan Year 2004, Scott’s employer contributed $9,200 to the Plan on… Details

APPENDIX H: Special Provisions for Benefits Accrued Before and After July 1, 2006

H.1 Benefit Service After June 30, 2006

For Contributions required for your Covered Employment during the Plan Year from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007, you earn a Straight Life Annuity payment at Normal Retirement Age based on an accrual rate of 2.0% for those Contributions. You earn a Straight Life Annuity payment at Normal Retirement… Details

APPENDIX F: Special Provisions for Benefits Accrued Before July 1, 1990

F.9 Special Suspendible Employment Rules for Benefits Earned Before July 1, 1990

If your monthly retirement benefit includes benefits earned before July 1, 1990, two special Suspendible Employment rules come into effect after June 2004 regarding that portion of your benefit. First, after June 2004, the portion of your benefit earned before July 1990 will only be suspended if the Suspendible Employment… Details